CVN Playlist Library
At CVN, we're proud of our unrivaled gavel-to-gavel courtroom video library. But with over 1,000 proceedings and tens of thousands of hours of trial video in that archive, it can sometimes be time-consuming and difficult to find the particular teachable moment you're looking for. CVN's Playlist Library is a repository of the specific video clips you want to see: whether they're strong examples of how to argue non-economic damages in closings, or highlight reels from our biggest trials, our Playlist Library is your ever-growing resource of expert editor-curated trial video and commentary.
Trial Highlights, Interviews & Compilations
Featuring the nation's
top trial pros.
Browse openings that set up
the most impressive
plaintiff's wins in 2023.
Openings that set up the most
impressive defense verdicts
CVN covered in 2023.
Watch openings that keyed
our top 10 most impressive
plaintiff's verdicts of 2022.
Watch openings that set up
the most impressive defense
verdicts of 2022.
Browse voir dire in trials
across a range of cases.
Watch arguments that led to
billion-dollar verdicts CVN
has covered over the years.
Keys Issues of the Case
Watch how top attorneys use
demonstratives to support
their openings across a range
of cases.
Watch how top plaintiff's
attorneys introduce
damages across a variety
of cases.
Watch Nick Rowley's openings
across a range of trials, from
med mal to crash cases.
Boies Schiller Flexner is one of
the nation's go-to firms for
high-stakes litigation. Browse
a selection of key openings.
Watch winning defense
introductions to
alternate-cause explanations
in talc trials.
Watch openings that set up
winning verdicts in motorcycle
collision cases.
Watch winning openings from
both sides of the courtroom
in low-speed crash trials.
Watch openings setting up
premises liability trial wins,
from slip-and-falls to
negligent security.
Watch winning techniques
from both plaintiff and
defense attorneys in trucking
trial openings.
Direct Exam
Watch how compelling
before-&-after witness exams
can be pivotal to a verdict,
across a range of cases.
A defendant medical provider
is often the most important
"expert" in a med mal proceeding.
Browse winning defense exams.
Watch powerful ways, from
plaintiff and defense, to
present accident reconstruction
Watch the testimony, from both
plaintiff and defense, that won
the proverbial "battle of experts"
in med mal trials.
Watch the expert testimony
that keyed winning verdicts in
"mild" TBI cases.
Browse winning techniques to
frame a non-economic damages
argument to maximize a damage
Watch how to address the
unique issues, from both
sides of the courtroom, in
vehicle-pedestrian crash cases.
Watch closing techniques from
both plaintiff and defense
addressing causation in non
-talc asbestos cases.
Browse winning plaintiff and
defense closing techniques in
high-stakes mesh trials.
What Would You Like to See?
Our playlist library is always growing. Our editorial team is working to add playlists on trial techniques, interviews, and more, all with an eye toward helping you improve your approach in the courtroom. But we're always looking for suggestions. What trial video playlists would you like us to add to the library? Whether it's a collection of specific techniques, expert witnesses, or compilations of the trials you're most interested in, let us know. Simply complete the form on the right.